The Lake Forest Civic Orchestra is grateful for the support it receives from the community as Lake Forest’s original community orchestra. It is this support that has allowed the orchestra to evolve and thrive even in times of uncertainty. The LFCO is comprised of musicians who donate their time and talents to bring music and opportunity to Lake Forest and surrounding communities. Like all orchestras, professional and amateur, ticket sales are only a small part of revenue needed to sustain the orchestra. It is through individual donations and support from our local businesses that the orchestra can meet its yearly operating budget. As a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 organization, all donations made to the orchestra are tax deductible.
The LFCO gladly accepts donations online or by check made payable to the Lake Forest Civic Orchestra sent to 276 E. Deerpath Road #410, Lake Forest, IL 60045.
Diane Signatur and Nestor Dyhdalo
The Art and LoriLee Bielski Charitable Trust
Michael and Carol Bennett*
Nestor Dyhdalo
Reid-Anderson Family Fund
Richard P. Martino
Jeff and Toni Slepak Charitable Fund*
Charles and Carol Emmons*
Susan Milanak
Nancy and Ted Otto*
Vicky Adler*
Linda Berner
Rose Marie Domney*
Heather Richmond
Dr. Thomas and Mary Rudd
Gail Schechter*
Andrea Stratton*
Melinda Vajdic*
Laurie Whisler*
Janet Billings
Carrie Camino
David Cooper
Thomas Davis
Susan Hitch
John Johnson
Bruce Kelly
Keith Martino
Ed and Mary Signatur in honor of Diane Signatur and Nestor Dyhdalo’s 50th wedding anniversary
Paul Snyder
Susan Sullivan*
Evan Swanson
Ed Bayer
Leigh Ann Charlot
Joseph Checkon
Diane Citrin
Mark Clark
Anthony Close
Bob Crostarosa
Cecile Curley
John Daniel
John & Donna Fischer
Craig Fox
Linda Franke
Deron Fuller
H.M. Gabel
Robin Gintert
Michael Golm
Marlene Hersh*
Kristen Hertz
Shelly Holmstrom
Eric Horne
Lisa Hough
Craig Hourigan
Siu Hui
Sheryl Kabak
Antje Kalov
Bob Kenehan*
Ann Kiesling
Molly King
Carrie Kirchen
Terrence Knight
Lisa Kowar
Pawel Kozupa
Vanya Kramer
Maria Lalich
Linda Lane
Beth Laufenberg
Catherine Leimbeck
Sara Lubezny*
Nancy Meiling
James Metz*
Lauren Moldenhauer*
Josh Moody
Pamela Morgan
Doris Nagel*
Paul Nelis
Barbara Pergander
Claudia Piemontese*
Emilie Reimer*
Jodi Rausch
Michael Reidy
Donna Schmidt
Marlene Senescu
Susan Smith
Mark Stephens
Kathleen Sullivan
Gloria Talbot
Adrienne Weiss
Stephen Wentworth
Chris Werwicki
Catherine White
Jill Midyett Zack
Gina Zisook
Roxanne Zwier-Swanson*
Bret and Nicola Zwier
*Indicates current LFCO musician
Jorge Sanchez - weekly set-up
Rich Torres - performance audio and lighting
Deerpath Inn - Brunch for 4 raffle
Flowers by Laura Lou - December floral arrangement raffle
Lake Forest Book Store - Gift Certificate for December raffle
John Catomer, performance recording
Darby Robinson, performance photography
Laurie Whisler, raffle items
Lauren Moldenhauer, performance photography
LoriLee Bielski, website and event posters
Tom Mensch, Percussion
Bret Sher, Percussion